Dr Judy Buttriss

Dr Judy Buttriss in an expert public health nutritionist. She stepped down from the role of Director General of the British Nutrition Foundation at the end of 2021, after more than 14 years. She was previously Science Director at the Foundation for almost 10 years. Before this she was the National Dairy Council’s Senior Nutritionist for 12 years.

She is now Chair of the Academy of Nutrition Sciences Board of Trustees. She has served on a number of committees, most recently the UK's Nutrition and Health Claims Committee and is an Honorary Fellow of the Nutrition Society, a Registered Nutritionist and a Fellow of the Association for Nutrition.

She has over 30 years of experience in providing targeted advice on nutrition, including applying science to develop nutrition policy. She has written a number of reviews, articles and book chapters on a wide range of diet and health topics, including topics as diverse as health claims, child nutrition, healthy ageing, and sustainable diets. She has also edited a number of books and reports, and is the lead Editor for a Nutrition Society Text Book on Public Health Nutrition and Editor in Chief of the journal Nutrition Bulletin.